Mega Project Problem

Mashal khan
2 min readDec 24, 2020

The problem I have identified is about an abstract disability, which can be worse than a nightmare for those who experience it in their day to day life. Yes, I am talking about stammering, a speech disorder that involves frequent and significant problems with normal fluency and flow of speech, characterized by repetitions, prolongations, and blocking of sounds. Those who stammer know what they want to say, but have difficulty in saying it.

Problem Statement: Stammering affects communication skills, educational and career choices, and a person’s ability to utilize his/her potential to make a full contribution to society.

How Stammer Effects?
A person having stammer experience low self-confidence, fear of being judged, and socially isolated. In addition to all this, in some cases, they can become a focus for teasing and bullying. One stammerer quote “ The worst part about stammering is seeing the other person lose patience like they are the one living with it.”

Can Stammer be Cured?
There is no such pill that will make stammer go away but yes, there are speech therapies that are beneficial in helping people manage their stammer and learn to speak more easily.

I am a stammerer myself and I know how does it feel to be one. One would have a lot of knowledge and intellectual insights about a specific scenario, but one would not share his/her thoughts due to the fear of being judged such that what if I got stuck, then what these people will think about me, what if they laugh over me coupled with several other questions surround one’s head.

I have studied about stammer quite a lot and what I got as result was that most people lose hope and don’t utilize their full potential due to low self-esteem but they are only a few steps away from achieving if someone consults, motivates, and appreciates them.

